038 – Arise, My Soul, Arise!
Arise, my soul, arise! Stretch forth to things eternal
And hasten to the feet of your Redeemer God.
Though hid from mortal eyes,
He dwells in light supernal;
Yet worship Him in humbleness and call Him Lord.
His banquet of love Awaits you above;
Yet here He grants a foretaste of the feast to
the feast to come! Rejoice, my soul, rejoice,
To heav’n lift up your voice:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Now hear the harps of heav’n!
Oh, hear the song victorious,
The neverending anthem sounding through the sky!
To mortals is not giv’n To join in strains so glorious;
Yet here on earth we too can sing our praises high!
He bought with His blood The ransomed of God;
To Him be everlasting pow’r and victory.
And let the great amen Resound through heav’n again.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!