267 – Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers
Spirit divine, attend our prayers,
And make this house Thy home;
Descend with all Thy gracious powers,
O come, great Spirit, come!
Come as the light; to us reveal
Our emptiness and woe,
And lead us in those paths of life
Where-on the righteous go.
Come as the fire, and purge our hearts
Like sacrificial flame;
Let our whole soul an of – f’ring be
To our Redeemer’s name.
Come as the dove, and spread Thy wings,
The wings of peaceful love;
And let Thy church on earth become
Blest as the church above.
Spirit divine, attend our prayers,
Make a lost world Thy home;
Descend with all Thy gracious powers,
O come, great Spirit, come!
Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers Lyrics SDA Hymnal Praise and Worship Songs Instrumental Tune
Major Song Key- F