376 – All Things Are Thine
All things are Thine; no gift have we,
Lord of all gifts, to offer Thee;
And hence with grateful hearts today,
Thine own before Thy feet we lay.
Thy will was in the builder’s thought;
Thy hand unseen amidst us wrought;
Thro’ mortal motive, scheme and plan,
Thy wise, eternal purpose ran.
No lack Thy perfect fullness knew;
For human needs and longings grew
This house of prayer- this home of rest.
Here may Thy saints be often blessed.
In weakness and in want we call
On Thee, for whom the heav’ns are small;
Thy glory is Thy children’s good,
Thy joy Thy tender Fatherhood.
O Father! deign these walls to bless;
Make this the abode of righteousness,
And let these doors a gateway be
To lead us from ourselves to Thee!
376 – All Things Are Thine Lyrics SDA Hymnal Praise and Worship Sabbath Songs Music
Major Song Key- A b